Recommended Client Specifications

Canvas is a web-based application. To ensure the best user experience, we have some recommendations. Canvas is designed and optimized for Google Chrome. Performance on other browsers may not be guaranteed.

Canvas does not support mobile devices or tablets, including iPads, Galaxy Tabs, iPhones, or any other mobile devices.

Hardware Minimums #

  • 2.0+ Ghz dual-core CPU (ex: Core i3 or i5)
  • 4 GB RAM (8+ GB recommended)
  • Monitor of at least 1024×768 pixel resolution (1920x1080 recommended). Two monitors recommended when possible
  • DYMO LabelWriter 450 Thermal Label Printer (for lab specimen labeling)
  • Need for iOS Devices to use Canvas Remote for patient and card images as well as visual exam finding captures

Browser #

  • Latest version of Google Chrome - routine updates enabled
  • Autocomplete in Chrome turned off

Connectivity #

  • Network Capacity of at least 1.5Mbps up and down per simultaneous internet user. For example if you expect 20 people to be connected at any given time, then 30Mbps up and down is minimum acceptable bandwidth.
  • End-to-end network round-trip times of <100 ms from user workstations to

Configuration #

  • Show Bookmarks Bar on Google Chrome
  • Put Canvas and Google Calendar links on Bookmarks Bar

Security / Dejunking #