Release Notes

Check out the latest features and fixes for Canvas. This page covers releases beginning in December of 2023. Prior releases can be found in our legacy knowledge center.

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Enhancement to Review Documents View on Patient Chart

The PDF view functionality on a patient’s chart has been reinstated, for which a new tab opens for viewing labs, imaging, specialist consult, and uncategorized clinical documents. The Review and View buttons have been added for seamless review of these documents as a pop-up on the patient chart.

ui bugfix

Surfaces Co-Visit Related Appointments in API

Appointments will now reference co-scheduled appointment IDs via API, to easily identify which appointments were scheduled together.


Ensures Command Content is Visible After Commit

This work fixes a bug that caused certain fields to not show in the collapsed view of committed SDK commands.

beta bugfix ui

Adds Audit Modal to SDK Commands

You can now see access an audit history of SDK commands in the command triple dot menu. We have chosen to move away from the existing tooltip (available on hover) for SDK commands in order to have more space to display additional data. We have added timestamps for some actions now and have plans to continue to expand on the level of detail within the audit trail in the future.

ui sdk

Sets Default Appointment Note Type on Scheduling Modal

The default appointment note type set in admin now automatically populates the scheduling modal.


Updates Note Type Admin Page

Administrators now have visibility as to which Note Type is the default Appointment Type within each Note Type configuration page. We’ve also added validation to prevent users from setting a none schedulable Note Type as the default Appointment Type.


Requires Patient References in FHIR MedicationRequest Search/Read

FHIR Medication Request Search/Read will now exclude prescription records without a patient. These are created via Surecripts as refill requests for patients who are not registered.

api bugfix

Updates FHIR Observation

We’ve made the following changes to the FHIR Observation resource.

  • Observations are now created for all questionnaire responses that have been coded with LOINC or SNOMED as the code system. This includes all responses across all questionnaire types (questionnaires, ROS, PE, structured assessments) We previoulsy only created observations if Use in Social Determinants was set to true for responses of questionnaires.
  • Derived-from was added as a search param.
  • Additional display names were added to various attributes.
  • All vitals signs are now supported in FHIR V2. Read More.

api bugfix

Resolves Default Reason for Visit (RFV) and Note Type Issue on the FHIR Update Payload

We have resolved an issue in our logic that would update appointmentType and RFV to the associated instance’s default values if these values were omitted from the FHIR update payload. Now, if appointmentType or RFV is omitted from the FHIR Update payload, they are ignored in the message consumer to keep the appointment values as is.

api bugfix

Resolves CCDA Import Display Error

An issue has been resolved that displayed incorrect error of CCD - Patient not matched despite a patient match.

config bugfix

Saved Annotations Persist for Forward by Fax

Within Data Integration, users can now Forward by Fax documents that have been annotated and saved.


Ensures Most Recent Questionnaire Version is Used in Automations

Fixes a bug that caused automations to load with old questionnaire versions due to caching.

sdk ui bugfix

Removes Carry Forward Option from SDK HPI Command

Our carry forward logic pulls in the most recent committed response. Since the HPI command is never committed, carry forward cannot be used. We removed the option from the triple dot menu.

sdk ui

Improves Performance Loading Charts and Inserting/Deleting Notes

We’ve optimized our notes query by splitting it into two separate queries: one for retrieving static command schema data and another for dynamic commands. This enhancement allows us to cache the static data, resulting in faster load times.


Removes Extra Whitespace When Inserting Commands via API

Resolved issue that added 15 blank text lines above API inserted commands.

ui api beta

Truncates Internal Comment on Tasks

The internal comment on tasks will automatically be truncated, users can expand internal comments to view the full text.


Fixes Display Issue on Staff Admin Contact Point

The Staff Admin Contact Point data now matches the corresponding information within the associated input fields.

bugfix config

Enables SDK Reason for Visit, Assess, Goal, and Update Goal Commands for All Customers

The SDK reason for visit, assess, goal, and update goal commands have been released to all customers (GA). Current status of commands can be found here.


Enabled Scrolling within Calendar Configuration

Users can now scroll on the providers list within calendar configuration modal.

ui bugfix

Fixes Automated Task Creation from Lab Errors

We have resolved an issue that prevented certain automated tasks from being created when there was a lab error from Health Gorilla. Lab error responses from Health Gorilla will now create a task with further information on the error.

ui bugfix

Fixes to SDK Commands

We have made updates to several SDK commands to address various bugs. The fixes include:


  • The most recent version of the questionnaire will now be used in automations.
  • Keyboard navigation improvements.
  • Values entered in the questionnaire loader are now accurately represented in the command upon origination.
  • Blank free text responses will no longer print with the question name (i.e ~TXT~).
  • The click target on multiline single select and free text responses has been expanded.
  • Automations created before the carry forward setting is enabled now respect the setting after its enabled.

Reason for Visit

  • The SDK Reason for Visit Command is now compatible with FHIR Appointment Create/Update.


  • The background field will carry forward as it should when originating the assess command within a note.

bugfix ui sdk beta

FHIR DocumentReference Now Includes Title & Comments

Document titles can now be accessed through the FHIR DocumentReference endpoint under the ‘description’ attribute. Additionally, document comments are accessible via an extension.


Reviewing and Annotating Documents from Patient’s Chart

Users can now access review documents from a patient’s chart as a pop-up modal with the associated review command. Review documents can also be annotated by users within this modal and placed directly on a patient’s chart. These documents include Lab, Imaging, Specialist Consult, and any Uncategorized Clinical Document Reports. To learn more about enabling PDF Annotation functionality, please email


Due Date Task Filtering

Users can now filter tasks from a patient’s chart or the task panel based on task due date.


Patient Search Improvements

We have made changes to make searching for patients and loading charts faster, especially for patients with many appointments and encounters.


Load More Tasks Functionality

Resolved Load More issue on task lists from patient chart and task panel.

ui bugfix

Business Line Permissions Error

Resolved Business Line error that prevented users, based on permissions, from accessing feature from admin settings.

config bugfix

Note Filter Includes Inactive Staff

Users can filter a patient’s timeline by Inactive staff.


Improvement to Faxing Contact Search

We have improved performance for contact search within the faxing modal.

ui bugfix

Updates to Coverage Eligibility Response Workflows

  • We have added an extension (active-health-benefit-plan-coverage-description) to FHIR CoverageEligibilityResponse that pulls the plan name from the parsed X12 response.
  • The status of eligibility checks that have failed in ClaimMD with a 400+ error will now be accurately reflected in the UI and API. The outcome in the FHIR CoverageEligibilityRepsponse endpoint will now return error.
  • We have implemented improved handling when processing eligibility responses from ClaimMD that contain empty quantity fields.

api ui bugfix

Task Filtering Improvement

An issue has been fixed on tasks where selecting or unselecting filtering checkboxes did not result in the expected behavior. Now users should expect task filtering actions to display appropriate results.

ui bugfix

Select All Option on Task Label Filter

Users can now utilize the Select All option on the task labels filter dropdown.


Select All Option on Schedule View Configuration

Users can now utilize the Clinicians checkbox option on the schedule view configuration modal to select or unselect all listed providers at once.


Fixed Duplicative Patient Conditions based on Claim CREATE via API

We have resolved an issue that resulted in duplicative conditions on a patient’s summary when a claim was created with an associated ICD-10 code via API. Now, we will only include the ICD-10 code in the patient’s condition list if the code is not already listed within the condition list as “active”.

ui api bugfix

FHIR Patient Performance Improvements

We’ve made changes to make the FHIR Patient read and search endpoints faster.


Fixes QR Code in MFA Authenticator App Setup

Fixes a bug that blocked users from configuring an authenticator app for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).


New Endpoint to Surface Schema fields in the Commands API

The fields endpoint surfaces the specific schema fields associated with each command, including autocomplete fields that are necessary to know what values are valid (e.g. active conditions that can be assessed).

api beta

Fixes FHIR Appointment Endpoint Compatibility with SDK RFV Command

This release fixes a bug that prevented scheduling appointments via the FHIR API when the new reason for visit command was enabled.

api bugfix beta

SDK HPI and Questionnaire Commands Enabled for All Customers

The SDK HPI and questionnaire commands have been released to all customers (GA). Current status of commands can be found here.


Update Claims With No Coverage

This work fixes a bug that prevented developers from updating claims that had no coverage associated.


Updates to Carry Forward Logic

SDK commands have the option to carry forward past responses using the triple dot menu. Questionnaires can also be set to carry forward responses automatically using the carry forward all encounters setting. We are deprecating the carry forward same encounter functionality. The setting will no longer be honored.


Write Labs Via the API

We have added the ability to add lab reports and associated values via our FHIR DiagnosticReport endpoint. This functionality is being beta tested. Documentation will be updated soon.

api beta

Update to FHIR Practitioner

We have added create and update interactions, support for new search filters, and new attributes to read and search for FHIR Practitioner. This new functionality is currently being beta tested. Documentation will be updated soon.

api beta

Improved Performance for FHIR Task Search

We have made changes to FHIR Task Search to improve performance


Goals Updated in Patient Summary

We fixed a bug that prevented the patient summary from updating in real time when adding goal and update goal commands to a note.

bugfix ui

New Commands Added to Commands Module

Medication statement, goal, and update goal have been migrated and are availble for beta testing.

beta ui sdk

Fix to Unassigned Document Review Reports

An issue has been resolved that was impacted Unassigned review reports (lab, imaging, special consult, and uncategorized clinical documents) when attempting to access through the Unassigned filter functionality. This issue was impacting reports that became unassigned when an assigned staff member was marked as inactive.

ui bugfix

Bulk Updating a Staff’s Status in Admin Reflects on the User Page

Resolved issue when activating or inactivating a Staff in the Action dropdown in Admin to ensure the Canvas User’s status is also synced.

config bugfix

SDK Protocol ImagingRecommendation Allows Priority to be Set

The ImagingRecommendation Type in SDK protocols now allows the context object to pass a priority that can be set to either Routine or Urgent. This value will be autofilled on the Image Command in the patient’s chart. Read more.

sdk bugfix

Medication History Enhancements

We have improved the usabilty of the medication history functionality within admin settings.


Fixes SDK Questionnaire Command Wrapping

The SDK questionnaire command is currently in beta. We fixed an issue with this command where free-text responses in the questionnaire were not being wrapped.

beta sdk ui bugfix

Fixes Collapsed View for Plan Command

A previous update inadvertently caused the plan command only to display the first line of text when it was committed and in collapsed form. Now users will always be able to see the entire narrative of the plan command.

sdk ui bugfix

Update to Cache Google Calendar Events

We have made an update to the cache_google_calendar_events by clearing cache keys before re-fetching google calendars, so that calendar events can update within Canvas scheduling.

ui bugfix config

Remove Requires Signature Label Once a Document has been Reviewed

When ENABLE_REQUIRES_SIGNATURE constance configuration is enabled, the Requires Signature label will automatically be removed once a document (lab, imaging, consult report, and uncategorized report) have been marked as signed through the corresponding command.


Update to Reload Health Gorilla Compendia

We have made an performance enhancement to the reload_compendium when it reaches out to Health Gorilla (HG) for an updated Lab’s compendium. We have also reduced the job to run on a weekly basis as compared to a daily basis due to HG’s compendium update cadency. Canvas Support will still have the ability to run this sync manually if HG updates the compendium more often.


Enhancements to Note Search Results in Patient Chart

Users can filter note search commands, within the patient chart, based on the status of the command (committed or uncommitted). There is also the ability to view both committed and uncommitted commands within the note search, which includes a label on the status of the command. Additionally, the command results will now have permalink navigation to the corresponding note or command.


Fixes Link to Diagnostic Theater

We fixed a bug that was causing the link to the diagnostic theater to be off screen when navigating to a patient’s chart from their lab results.

ui bugfix

Improves Performance of Indication Search in Refer Command

The search now waits for a pause rather than searching on each keypress. This reduces the randomness in the search responses as they load.


Adds Display for Labs in FHIR Observation

Observation read & search will now surface lab names in the display attribute.


Adds Monitoring

  • We added additional tags to our web worker metrics to give us visibility into uneven usage caused by (for example) session stickiness at the load balancer level.
  • We added additional metadata to error reports when individual commands or notes crash to improve our ability to stay on top of those errors.
  • We improved release notation within our internal systems, allowing support staff and engineers to better see if regressions are caused by a release in the time immediately following that release.
  • We increased the accuracy of our request/response durations by accounting for time spent doing request logging.
  • We added the ability to track the request backlog for all web workers, allowing us to track the size of the request queue over time.


Show All Report Names in DiagnosticReport

The text attribute of DiagnosticReport will now reflect the report name for all lab reports.


Filtering of Note Type in Revenue Queue Table

Users can now filter claims on any of the revenue queue tables through note type selection(s).


Fix Patient Chart URL to Allow for Adding CPT Codes to Notes

Fixed issue that prevented user from adding CPT codes to certain note types based on patient chart URL.

ui bugfix

Expanded Click Point on SDK Commands

Fixed issue that limited where users could click within migrated commands.

ui bugfix

Leverage the Provider Directory when Faxing

The fax modal, used when faxing notes, letters, and lab orders, now includes a dropdown to pull in the contact details from directory listings. Users can still update the To and Fax number fields manually as needed.


Fax Lab Orders

Users can now fax lab requisitions after they have been saved or sent electronically via Health. Selecting Fax lab requisition from the triple dot menu on the command will bring up our faxing modal, which allows users to specify where the order should be sent and complete the cover sheet fields if covers sheets are enabled in your instance. The status of the outbound fax can be tracked in your Sfax portal.


Updates to Plan Command

Migrated commands now support the following:

  • Carry forward the last committed response. This option will pull in the latest record from the database across all users. This functionality is compatible moving forward. You may not be able to pull in responses from our legacy commands.
  • Add partially completed commands to automations.
  • Committed commands may be truncated to preserve space in the note. Click on the command header to expand the full content.

Users can access these workflows using the triple dot menu associated with the command, which is now present before clicking record. Currently, the only command available GA is plan. These enhancements will be available for the newly released commands moving forward (when appropriate).


Interact with Commands via the API

The Commands API allows you to read, search, create, and update (including the ability to commit or enter in error) commands via the API. This will only be possible for the commands that have been migrated to the commands module of the SDK. Read more.

beta api

Fixes Chart Over Scroll

We’ve updated how the timeline loads to address a bug that was causing the top of the timeline to get cut off by the header.

bugfix ui

New Commands Added to Commands Module

Additional commands have been migrated and are availble for beta testing.

beta ui sdk

API Payload Sent from Stripe Card Payments Updated

Stripe added a new attribute to their Card Payment API response payload. We updated our data validation to account for the new attribute.


Updated Place of Service Logic within Claims

The Place of Service (POS) logic for the add charge tab within claims has been updated to default manually added charges on a claim to the POS that is set at note type admin or practice location level.

ui bugfix

Remove Assigned Individuals and Teams from Tasks

You can now change team and individual assignment of tasks to unassigned.

ui bugfix

Filter Note API by Provider

We haved added filtering on provider_key to the Note search.

beta api

Reference Note Objects in our FHIR API

Some of our endpoints allow you to insert commands into notes by including an encounter reference; however, some of our note types do not create encounters (e.g. data import). A note object reference, surfaced by the new Note API, has been added to those same endpoints to facilitate adding the commands to additional note types. The reference has also been added to support capturing the associated note ID for encounters, appointments, documents associated with notes, and resources that have been added to a note.

beta api

Filter Snooze Protocol Command Dropdown to Active Protocols

The Snooze Protocol command dropdown will only show active protocols. After a protocol has been snoozed, the Snooze Protocol command dropdown will no longer display those protocols that are snoozed.

ui bugfix

Adjustment to Chart Timeline Headers and Tasks Display Times

In order to remove user confusion when reviewing displayed time on the patient chart and within tasks, we have adjusted how time is displayed for user.

  • On letters, messages, and note headers: Users will now see the following format Day of week, MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM user-time-zone. This should provide clarity on when a letter, message, and note were created on a patient chart.
  • On task created header and task activities: Users will now see the following format Day of week, MM/DD/YY HH:MM AM user-time-zone. This should provide clarity on when tasks were created and when activities took place within a task. The same will be true on the task panel .
  • On task due dates: Users will now see the following format Day of week, MM/DD/YY. This should provide clarity on what day a task is due.

ui bugfix

Associated Patient and Provider Data Updated on Claims

When the push charges button is utilized on a billable note, the associated patient and provider data to that claim will be automatically updated so that the latest version of an unlocked note will have the updated information for the patient and provider. This information includes patient demographics, coverage data, and provider admin staff page values. Additionally, if users want a locked note to reflect updated patient and provider information, a user needs to unlock and re-lock the note to automatically update this information on the claim. Claims associated to a locked note will not have patient and provider information automatically update, to prevent unwanted changes to these claims.

ui config bugfix

Update to Print Templates

  • Corresponding provider and appointment details have been updated on after visit summary printouts to display correct information.
  • Internal comments added within the Review Note automated task have been removed from note printouts.


Ability to View and Delete Patient Photos

Admin will now have the ability to view and delete a patient’s profile and chart photo through Patient admin settings.

ui config bugfix

Ability to Inactivate Practice Locations

Users will be able to inactivate practice locations through admin settings. Once a practice location has been marked as inactive it will be removed from UI selection drop downs such as note headers, letter templates, message templates, appointment scheduling, and schedule view. If an inactive practice location had been used in past notes, appointments letter, and messages, it will be displayed with an (inactive) label after the practice location name. Practice locations cannot be saved as inactive if there are any future appointments for those locations, appointments must first be updated or removed.

ui config

Removed Add Service Provider Button and Modal from Data Integration Page

The Add Service Provider button and modal have been removed from the Data Integration page.

ui bugfix

Changing provider and practice location values through appointment header ellipsis have been disabled

In order for a provider or practice location value to be updated on appointments, users need to follow the rescheduling workflow to ensure that the provider has appropriate availability and the practice location is active for the associated provider.


Fix Desynchronization Issues Affecting the Plan Command

Our recent work to migrate the plan command introduced an issue where the models relating to the command were out of sync. To end users, this looked like a gray loading box in the note that never rendered. We have included a fix we expect to prevent these issues going forward.

bugfix ui

Improved API Permalinks navigation to correct URL via SSO

When searching for a task via API, the response includes the permalink to that resource. If a user is logged out, the API permalink will now navigate into the right page in Canvas through the login process, including SSO.

bugfix api ui

Add and Reference External IDs on Appointments

Many customers use the Canvas API to integrate the Canvas scheduling model with other systems. We have added the ability to tag Canvas appointments with external IDs in order to support these 2nd and 3rd party workflows (similar to how we have long supported external IDs for patients). External IDs will not appear in the UI. Read more.


Sort Conditions by Last Assessed Date

This work fixes a bug that was affecting the order in which conditions are displayed in the patient summary. Now, by default, conditions will be sorted by last assessed to first assessed. This way users can quickly identify which conditions may be stale or need to be addressed (those at the bottom). Users can temporarily change the sort to be alphabetical using the slider icon.

ui bugfix

Fix for FHIR Coverage Search

We fixed a bug in the FHIR Coverage Search when trying to display coverages with a Subscriber relationship of parent or common.

api bugfix

Update to FHIR Communication Search

Added a search parameter for status on communications. Developers can now search for messages, filtering to those that are sent or drafts.


Improvements to Admin Settings Pages

We have updated the following admin pages to improve the experience, add functionality, and allow more flexibility when managing your instance settings.

  • Protocol Upload - Read more
  • Protocol Upload Version - Read more
  • Protocol Override Snooze Reason
  • Google Planned Delivered Reports - Read more
  • Constance Config

config ui

Update to FHIR Appointment Endpoint

The FHIR Appointment endpoint now uses a reference from the Location Read/Search endpoint for the Location in supportingInformation. We will continue to support using the integer value when creating or updating appointment for a set period before the current functionality is deprecated. Updates on the end of life for the existing functionality can be tracked here.


Updates to FHIR Claim Endpoint

Our FHIR Claim endpoint now supports read, search, and update interactions. The update endpoint is limited to updating the queue of the claim. This allows third-party RCM vendors to keep claims in Canvas in sync with their operations. Read more.


Fix issue preventing note locking due to uncommitted commands that are not in the note body

Canvas offers a config RESTRICT_SIGNING_NOTE_WITH_UNCOMMITTED_COMMANDS, which will prevent users from locking notes with uncommitted commands. We have fixed a bug that blocked users from locking notes with the message “To lock this note please commit all uncommitted commands”, in the absence of any visible uncommitted commands in the note. This was caused by a recent update to the logic checking for uncommitted commands in the note. That update is now being rolled back.


Display all appointments in schedule view

There was previously a limit on the number of appointments that could be displayed on the daily schedule view. This release ensures that there is no limit so that all appointments are displayed.


Enhancements to Note API

The Note API now includes improved performance, pagination, additional error handling, updated logic for displaying the note title, and the ability to update the note from CVD to LKD.

beta api

Update the protocol badge count to reflect the count of all active protocol cards

In the patient chart, there is a chart tab that can be accessed from the top right which shows active protocols. There is a badge on that chart tab which shows the number of active protocols. Previously, this badge count only counted the number of active protocols with recommendations. Now it will show the count of all active protocols with a protocol card, even if there is no recommendation. This is more intuitive - the user should expect the number displayed to be equal to the number of protocol cards they see when they click on the tab.


Letters added to DocumentReference endpoint

Letters created in the patient timeline are now included in DocumentReference read and search.


Create patient groups

We fixed a bug that prevented patient group creation via the API.

api bugfix

Export EHI for a single patient or a population of patients

You can now export EHI for a single patient in your admin settings. EHI is exported as standard FHIR R4 resources in Newline Delimited JSON format, as outlined by the FHIR Bulk Data Access pattern. To export data for a population in the same format, please contact support. Read more.

onc api

Update to chart summary print template

Updated the chart summary pdf template to display conditions in order of clinical status and in alphabetical order for a more structured display.


Zip-code validation within admin settings

Validation for US postal codes has been incorporated into the Organization, Practice Location, and Staff address forms when the country is set to US. This validation ensures that the entered US Postal code follows the correct format: either 12345 or 12345-1234. If the user specifies any country other than the United States, the validation process will be bypassed.

ui config

Hide Push Charges button from billing footer

We have added a new HIDE_PUSH_CHARGES_BUTTON constance configuration within settings. When the configuration is enabled, the Push Charges button in the footer of all notes will be removed. Signing or locking a note will automatically push charges to the associated claim.

ui config

Improvements to note body load time

This work improves the speed at which the note body loads when a note is added to a chart. Previously, the header would load first and the body would be slightly delayed. Now the user will see the body load with the header, so that they can begin documenting asap.


DiagnosticReport now contains the associated PDF

Previously, for lab reports and imaging reports, there was a DocumentReference resource which contained the PDF, and separately a DiagnosticReport resource which contained other information including codings. There was no way to link the two together. This made it difficult for developers to identify what a given DocumentReference PDF contained. Now, we have added the PDF for the report to the DiagnosticReport in the presentedForm attribute. The PDF will also continue to be surfaced as a DocumentReference per FHIR guidance. Read more.


Copy permalinks to notes from the user interface

Earlier this year, Canvas deployed permalinks. These are direct links to Canvas objects (notes, commands, PDFs and more) that can be added to tasks. We received feedback from users that these links were useful, and that it would be helpful to be able to get a permalink outside of the context of a task. One use case is to share a link to a specific note with a colleague, via Canvas chat or another chat application like Slack. As a result we have added an option “copy link” to the kebab (triple dot) menu of the note. This option will add a permalink to the note to the user’s clipboard.


NDCs now correctly reflect brand vs. generic medications

Canvas has a mapping from prescribed medications like “Amoxicillin 500mg tablet” to an NDC code. This NDC code is sent to the pharmacy with prescriptions. In some cases, the NDC code was not respecting brand vs generic distinctions. Now the mapping has been updated so that, wherever, possible, the NDC will correctly reflect whether the selected medication was brand or generic. Note that in some cases this is not possible, for example if a the generic medication name is selected but the medication is still on patent and there is no generic NDC yet.


More PDF documents available through DocumentReference

Customers have expressed a need to access more PDFs from Canvas via API, in order to share these with external parties or in patient-facing experience. As a result we have significantly expanded the scope of DocumentReference, to include the following documents:

  • All PDFs added via Data Integration that have been parsed (“parsed” means they have been attached to a patient and tagged with required metadata like document type). Some examples of these PDFs include “Uncategorized clinical documents”, “Consult report, “Advanced directive” and more.
  • PDFs of chart notes. A version of the note PDF is saved every time a note is locked, and all versions are available via the API.


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