Events Last updated: 25 Mar 2025
What is an Event?
An event is an occurrence of an action that happens within Canvas. For example, a patient being prescribed a medication, a user searching for a condition or an appointment being created are all examples of events.
Why should I use them?
By writing plugins that respond to events, plugin code is notified and can react to events that occur in Canvas. This enables plugin authors to create custom workflows whenever a relevant event takes place, such as making a POST request to a webhook.
How do I use them?
To make plugin code react to an event, you can add the event types listed below into the RESPONDS_TO
list of a plugin that inherits from BaseProtocol
. For example:
from import EventType
class Protocol ( BaseProtocol ):
def compute ( self ):
The plugin author can enter custom workflow code into the compute
method that will execute every time an Allergy Intolerance is created in Canvas.
For more information on writing plugins, see the guide here .
Event Types # The event target
object can be accessed within the compute method of the plugin by
. If
exists, it provides the same type that would be imported from the Data module. For example, a type of Condition
would be the same as what you can import from
. The event context
object can be accessed via self.event.context
Record lifecycle events # These events fire as a result of records being created, updated, or deleted.
Patients # PATIENT_CREATED Occurs when a patient is created. Target object Context object "id": pt_id
"type": Patient empty
PATIENT_UPDATED Occurs when a patient's data is updated. Target object Context object "id": pt_id
"type": Patient empty
CARE_TEAM_MEMBERSHIP_CREATED Occurs when a new care team member is added for a patient. Target object Context object "id": care_team_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
CARE_TEAM_MEMBERSHIP_UPDATED Occurs when a care team member is adjusted for a patient. Target object Context object "id": care_team_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
CARE_TEAM_MEMBERSHIP_DELETED Occurs when a care team member is removed for a patient. Target object Context object "id": care_team_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_ADDRESS_CREATED Occurs when an address is added for a patient. Target object Context object "id": address_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_ADDRESS_UPDATED Occurs when one of a patient's addresses is updated. Target object Context object "id": address_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_ADDRESS_DELETED Occurs when one of a patient's addresses is removed. Target object Context object "id": address_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_PERSON_CREATED Occurs when a contact is added for a patient. Target object Context object "id": contact_person_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_PERSON_UPDATED Occurs when one of a patient's contacts is updated. Target object Context object "id": contact_person_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_PERSON_DELETED Occurs when one of a patient's contacts is removed. Target object Context object "id": contact_person_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_POINT_CREATED Occurs when a contact method for a patient is added. Target object Context object "id": contact_point_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_POINT_UPDATED Occurs when a contact method for a patient is updated. Target object Context object "id": contact_point_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PATIENT_CONTACT_POINT_DELETED Occurs when a contact method for a patient is removed. Target object Context object "id": contact_point_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Allergy Intolerances # ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_CREATED Occurs when an allergy is created for a patient. Additional details for the allergy may become available with subsequent ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": allergy_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_UPDATED Occurs when an allergy is updated for a patient. Target object Context object "id": allergy_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Appointments # APPOINTMENT_CREATED Occurs when an appointment is first created/booked. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
APPOINTMENT_UPDATED Occurs when details of an appointment are updated. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
APPOINTMENT_CHECKED_IN Occurs when a patient has arrived and been checked in for their appointment. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
APPOINTMENT_RESTORED Occurs when a cancelled appointment is restored to a non-cancelled status. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
APPOINTMENT_CANCELED Occurs when an appointment is cancelled. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
APPOINTMENT_NO_SHOWED Occurs when an appointment is marked as a no-show. Target object Context object "id": appointment_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Billing Line Items # BILLING_LINE_ITEM_CREATED Occurs when a billing line item is created from adding a CPT code to a note. Target object Context object "id": billing_line_item_id
"type": BillingLineItem "patient":
"id": pt_id
BILLING_LINE_ITEM_UPDATED Occurs when a billing line item is modified. Target object Context object "id": billing_line_item_id
"type": BillingLineItem "patient":
"id": pt_id
Conditions # CONDITION_ASSESSED Occurs when a condition is assessed through the Assess Condition command. Target object Context object "id": condition_id
"type": Condition "patient":
"id": pt_id
CONDITION_CREATED Occurs when a condition is diagnosed for a patient. Additional details for the condition may become available with subsequent CONDITION_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": condition_id
"type": Condition "patient":
"id": pt_id
CONDITION_RESOLVED Occurs when a condition is resolved through the Resolve Condition command. Target object Context object "id": condition_id
"type": Condition "patient":
"id": pt_id
CONDITION_UPDATED Occurs when a condition is updated for a patient. Target object Context object "id": condition_id
"type": Condition "patient":
"id": pt_id
Consents # CONSENT_CREATED Occurs when a patient consent is created. Target object Context object "id": consent_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
CONSENT_DELETED Occurs when a patient consent is removed/deleted. Target object Context object "id": consent_id
type: None "patient":
id: pt_id
CONSENT_UPDATED Occurs when a patient consent is updated. Target object Context object "id": consent_id
type: None "patient":
id: pt_id
Coverages # COVERAGE_CREATED Occurs when a coverage for a patient is created. Target object Context object "id": coverage_id
type: None "patient":
id: pt_id
COVERAGE_UPDATED Occurs when a coverage for a patient is updated. Target object Context object "id": coverage_id
type: None "patient":
id: pt_id
Detected Issues # DETECTED_ISSUE_CREATED Occurs when a detected issue is created. Target object Context object "id": detected_issue_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
DETECTED_ISSUE_UPDATED Occurs when a detected issue is updated. Target object Context object "id": detected_issue_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
DETECTED_ISSUE_EVIDENCE_CREATED Occurs when detected issue evidence is created. Target object Context object "id": detected_issue_evidence_id
"type": None empty
DETECTED_ISSUE_EVIDENCE_UPDATED Occurs when a detected issue evidence is updated. Target object Context object "id": detected_issue_evidence_id
"type": None empty
Devices # DEVICE_CREATED Occurs when a device is created. Target object Context object "id": device_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
DEVICE_UPDATED Occurs when a device is updated. Target object Context object "id": device_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Encounters # ENCOUNTER_CREATED Occurs when an encounter is created. Target object Context object "id": encounter_id
"type": None empty
ENCOUNTER_UPDATED Occurs when an encounter is updated. Target object Context object "id": encounter_id
"type": None empty
Imaging Reports # IMAGING_REPORT_CREATED Occurs when an imaging report is entered into the data integration section of canvas. Target object Context object "id": report_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
IMAGING_REPORT_UPDATED Occurs when an imaging report is updated. Target object Context object "id": report_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Immunizations # IMMUNIZATION_CREATED Occurs when an immunization is created. Additional details for the immunization may become available with subsequent IMMUNIZATION_STATEMENT_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": immunization_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
IMMUNIZATION_UPDATED Occurs when an immunization is updated. Target object Context object "id": immunization_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
IMMUNIZATION_STATEMENT_CREATED Occurs when an immunization statement is created. Additional details for the immunization statement may become available with subsequent IMMUNIZATION_STATEMENT_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": immunization_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
IMMUNIZATION_STATEMENT_UPDATED Occurs when an immunization statement is updated. Target object Context object "id": immunization_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Instructions # INSTRUCTION_CREATED Occurs when an instruction is created using the Instruct command. Additional details for the instruction may become available with subsequent INSTRUCTION_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": instruction_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
INSTRUCTION_UPDATED Occurs when an instruction is updated. Target object Context object "id": instruction_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Interviews # INTERVIEW_CREATED Occurs when an interview is created using the Questionnaire command or through the Questionnaire endpoint in the FHIR API. Additional details for the interview may become available with subsequent INTERVIEW_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": interview_id
"type": Interview "patient":
"id": pt_id
INTERVIEW_UPDATED Occurs when an interview is updated. Target object Context object "id": interview_id
"type": Interview "patient":
"id": pt_id
Labs # LAB_ORDER_CREATED Occurs when a lab order is created via the Lab Order command. Additional details for the lab order may become available with subsequent LAB_ORDER_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": laborder_id
"type": LabOrder "patient":
"id": pt_id
LAB_ORDER_UPDATED Occurs when a lab order is updated. Target object Context object "id": laborder_id
"type": LabOrder "patient":
"id": pt_id
LAB_REPORT_CREATED Occurs when a lab report is created either through Data Integration, electronic ingestion or the FHIR API. Target object Context object "id": labreport_id
"type": LabReport "patient":
"id": pt_id
LAB_REPORT_UPDATED Occurs when a lab report is updated. Target object Context object "id": labreport_id
"type": LabReport "patient":
"id": pt_id
Medications # MEDICATION_LIST_ITEM_CREATED Occurs when a medication is added for a patient. Target object Context object "id": medication_id
"type": Medication "patient":
"id": pt_id
MEDICATION_LIST_ITEM_UPDATED Occurs when a medication is updated for a patient. Target object Context object "id": medication_id
"type": Medication "patient":
"id": pt_id
PRESCRIPTION_UPDATED Occurs when a prescription is updated. Target object Context object "id": prescription_id
"type": Medication "patient":
"id": pt_id
PRESCRIPTION_CREATED Occurs when a prescription is created for a patient using the Prescribe command. Additional details for the prescription become available with subsequent PRESCRIPTION_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": prescription_id
"type": Medication "patient":
"id": pt_id
Messaging # MESSAGE_CREATED Occurs when a message (patient/practitioner communication) is created. Target object Context object "id": message_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Notes # NOTE_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT_CREATED Occurs as a note traverses through its state machine. Target object Context object "id": nsce_id
"type": NoteStateChangeEvent "note_id": note_id,
"patient_id": pt_id,
"state": str
NOTE_STATE_CHANGE_EVENT_UPDATED Occurs if a note state change event is updated. Target object Context object "id": nsce_id
"type": NoteStateChangeEvent "note_id": note_id,
"patient_id": pt_id,
"state": str
Observations # OBSERVATION_CREATED Occurs when an observation is created. Target object Context object "id": observation_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
OBSERVATION_UPDATED Occurs when an observation is updated. Target object Context object "id": observation_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Protocol Overrides # PROTOCOL_OVERRIDE_CREATED Target object Context object "id": protocoloverride_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PROTOCOL_OVERRIDE_UPDATED Target object Context object "id": protocoloverride_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
PROTOCOL_OVERRIDE_DELETED Target object Context object "id": protocoloverride_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Referral Reports # REFERRAL_REPORT_CREATED Occurs when a specialist consult report is created in Data Integration. Target object Context object "id": referralreport_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
REFERRAL_REPORT_UPDATED Occurs when a specialist consult report is updated. Target object Context object "id": referralreport_id
"type": None "patient":
"id": pt_id
Tasks # TASK_CREATED Occurs when a task is created. Target object Context object "id": task_id
"type": Task "patient":
"id": pt_id
TASK_UPDATED Occurs when a task is updated. Target object Context object "id": task_id
"type": Task "patient":
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMENT_CREATED Occurs when a comment is added to a task. Target object Context object "id": taskcomment_id
"type": TaskComment empty
TASK_COMMENT_UPDATED Occurs when a comment for a task is updated. Target object Context object "id": taskcomment_id
"type": TaskComment empty
TASK_COMMENT_DELETED Occurs when a comment for a task is removed. Target object Context object "id": taskcomment_id
"type": TaskComment empty
TASK_LABELS_ADJUSTED Occurs when a task's labels are changed. Target object Context object "id": user_seelcted_tasklabel_id
"type": None empty
TASK_COMPLETED Occurs when a task is set to completed. Target object Context object "id": task_id
"type": Task "patient":
"id": pt_id
TASK_CLOSED Occurs when a task is set to closed. Target object Context object "id": task_id
"type": Task "patient":
"id": pt_id
Vital Signs # VITAL_SIGN_CREATED Occurs when a vitals entry is created for a patient using the vitals command. Additional details for the vitals become available with subsequent VITAL_SIGN_UPDATED events. Target object Context object "id": vitalsign_id
"type": None empty
VITAL_SIGN_UPDATED Occurs when a vitals entry is updated for a patient. Target object Context object "id": vitalsign_id
"type": None empty
Command lifecycle events # These events fire during the command lifecycle.
Generic events # Event Occurs when PRE_COMMAND_ORIGINATE Before any command is entered into a note. POST_COMMAND_ORIGINATE After any command is entered into a note. PRE_COMMAND_UPDATE Before the data in any command is updated. POST_COMMAND_UPDATE After the data in any command is updated. PRE_COMMAND_COMMIT Before any command is committed. POST_COMMAND_COMMIT After any command is committed. PRE_COMMAND_DELETE Before any command is deleted. POST_COMMAND_DELETE After any command is deleted. PRE_COMMAND_ENTER_IN_ERROR Before any command is marked as entered in error. POST_COMMAND_ENTER_IN_ERROR After any command is marked as entered in error. PRE_COMMAND_EXECUTE_ACTION Before an action is executed on any command. POST_COMMAND_EXECUTE_ACTION After an action is executed on any command. POST_COMMAND_INSERTED_INTO_NOTE After a command is added to a note in the UI.
Context Overview # Each command lifecycle event provides specific context to the handler, depending on the stage of the command lifecycle.
Base Context (All Events Except PRE_COMMAND_ORIGINATE
) :
"note" : { "uuid" : "note-123" },
"patient" : { "id" : "patient-123" },
"fields" : { "key" : "value" }
: The unique identifier of the note associated with the
: The unique identifier of the patient associated with the note.fields
: A dictionary containing command-specific details. See examples for each command.PRE_COMMAND_ORIGINATE
Context : Since the command is not yet connected to a note, the PRE_COMMAND_ORIGINATE
event context only includes:
"fields" : { "key" : "value" }
: Contains details specific to the command being originated. Adjust Prescription Command # ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"prescribe": dict
"change_medication_to": dict
"indications": list[dict]
"sig": str
"days_supply": int
"quantity_to_dispense": int
"type_to_dispense": dict
"refills": int
"substitutions": str
"pharmacy": dict
"prescriber": dict
"note_to_pharmacist": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__INDICATIONS__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__INDICATIONS__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__PHARMACY__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__PHARMACY__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__PRESCRIBE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__PRESCRIBE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__CHANGE_MEDICATION_TO__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ADJUST_PRESCRIPTION__CHANGE_MEDICATION_TO__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Allergy Command # ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"allergy": dict
"severity": str
"narrative": str
"input": str
"date": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ALLERGY__ALLERGY__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ALLERGY__ALLERGY__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Assess Command # ASSESS_COMMAND__CONDITION_SELECTED Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"condition": dict
"background": str
"status": str
"narrative": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
ASSESS__CONDITION__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
ASSESS__CONDITION__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Clipboard Command # CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLIPBOARD_COMMAND__POST_INSERTED_INTO_NOTE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"text": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
Clipboard Fields Context # The Clipboard Command provides the following fields in its context:
Field Type Description text
string The raw text content copied to the clipboard.
Refer to the base context documentation for additional details about the full context structure.
"note" : { "uuid" : "note-123" },
"patient" : { "id" : "patient-123" },
"fields" : {
"text" : "Patient complains of persistent headaches for the past two weeks."
Close Goal Command # CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_id": dict
"achievement_status": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
CLOSE_GOAL__GOAL_ID__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
CLOSE_GOAL__GOAL_ID__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Diagnose Command # DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"diagnose": dict
"background": str
"input": str
"date": str
"today_assessment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
DIAGNOSE__DIAGNOSE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
DIAGNOSE__DIAGNOSE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Educational Material Command # EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL__LANGUAGE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL__LANGUAGE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL__TITLE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
EDUCATIONAL_MATERIAL__TITLE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Family History Command # FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"family_history": dict
"relative": dict
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FAMILY_HISTORY__FAMILY_HISTORY__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FAMILY_HISTORY__FAMILY_HISTORY__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FAMILY_HISTORY__RELATIVE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FAMILY_HISTORY__RELATIVE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Follow Up Command # FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"requested_date": dict
"note_type": dict
"coding": dict
"reason_for_visit": dict
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
FOLLOW_UP__CODING__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FOLLOW_UP__CODING__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FOLLOW_UP__NOTE_TYPE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
FOLLOW_UP__NOTE_TYPE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Goal Command # GOAL_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": str
"start_date": str
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
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Refill Prescription Command # REFILL_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
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Remove Allergy Command # REMOVE_ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
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"id": pt_id
REMOVE_ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
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"id": pt_id
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"uuid": note_id
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REMOVE_ALLERGY_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"id": pt_id
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"type": Command "fields":
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"id": pt_id
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"id": pt_id
REMOVE_ALLERGY_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
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Review of Systems Command # ROS_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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"type": Command "fields":
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Stop Medication Command # STOP_MEDICATION_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
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"type": Command "fields":
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Structured Assessment Command # STRUCTURED_ASSESSMENT_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
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"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
STRUCTURED_ASSESSMENT_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"questionnaire": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
STRUCTURED_ASSESSMENT_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"questionnaire": dict
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
STRUCTURED_ASSESSMENT__QUESTIONNAIRE__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
STRUCTURED_ASSESSMENT__QUESTIONNAIRE__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Surgical History Command # SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"past_surgical_history": dict
"input": str
"date": str
"comment": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
SURGICAL_HISTORY__PAST_SURGICAL_HISTORY__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
SURGICAL_HISTORY__PAST_SURGICAL_HISTORY__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Task Command # TASK_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"title": str
"assign_to": dict
"due_date": str
"comment": str
"labels": list[dict]
"linked_items": list[dict]
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
TASK__ASSIGN_TO__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
TASK__ASSIGN_TO__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
TASK__LABELS__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
TASK__LABELS__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Update Goal Command # UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"goal_statement": dict
"due_date": str
"achievement_status": str
"priority": str
"progress": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
UPDATE_GOAL__GOAL_STATEMENT__POST_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
UPDATE_GOAL__GOAL_STATEMENT__PRE_SEARCH Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "search_term": str
"results": list[dict]
Vitals Command # VITALS_COMMAND__POST_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__POST_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__POST_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__POST_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__POST_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__POST_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_COMMIT Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_DELETE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_ENTER_IN_ERROR Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_EXECUTE_ACTION Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_ORIGINATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
VITALS_COMMAND__PRE_UPDATE Target object Context object "id": command_uuid
"type": Command "fields":
"height": str
"weight_lbs": str
"weight_oz": str
"waist_circumference": str
"body_temperature": str
"body_temperature_site": str
"blood_pressure_systole": int
"blood_pressure_diastole": str
"blood_pressure_position_and_site": str
"pulse": str
"pulse_rhythm": str
"respiration_rate": int
"oxygen saturation": str
"note": str
"uuid": note_id
"id": pt_id
Patient Portal lifecycle events # The following events are emitted during the lifecycle of a patient portal session.
Event Description PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENT_CANCELED Occurs after an appointment is canceled PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENT_RESCHEDULED Occurs after an appointment is rescheduled PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENT_CAN_BE_CANCELED Occurs when checking if an appointment can be canceled PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENT_CAN_BE_RESCHEDULED Occurs when checking if an appointment can be rescheduled PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__SLOTS__POST_SEARCH Occurs after the appointment slots search has been done, allowing the values to be modified PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_APPOINTMENT_TYPES__PRE_SEARCH Occurs before appointment types are resolved, allowing the internal values to be bypassed PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_APPOINTMENT_TYPES__POST_SEARCH Occurs after appointment types are resolved, allowing the internal values to be modified PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_LOCATIONS__PRE_SEARCH Occurs before appointment locations are resolved, allowing the internal values to be bypassed PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_LOCATIONS__POST_SEARCH Occurs after appointment locations are resolved, allowing the internal values to be modified PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_PROVIDERS__PRE_SEARCH Occurs before appointment providers are resolved, allowing the internal values to be bypassed PATIENT_PORTAL__APPOINTMENTS__FORM_PROVIDERS__POST_SEARCH Occurs after appointment providers are resolved, allowing the internal values to be modified </tbody> </table>### Action Buttons EventsFor more information on handling these events, see Action Buttons .Event Description SHOW_NOTE_HEADER_BUTTON Occurs when patient notes are being loaded. SHOW_NOTE_FOOTER_BUTTON Occurs when patient notes are being loaded. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_SOCIAL_DETERMINANTS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for social determinants section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_GOALS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for goals section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_CONDITIONS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for conditions section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_MEDICATIONS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for medications section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_ALLERGIES_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for allergies section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_CARE_TEAMS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for care teams section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_VITALS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for vitals section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_IMMUNIZATIONS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for immunizations section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_SURGICAL_HISTORY_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for surgical history section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_FAMILY_HISTORY_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for family history section. SHOW_CHART_SUMMARY_CODING_GAPS_SECTION_BUTTON Occurs when patient chart summary is being loaded, specifically for coding gaps section.
### Patient Portal EventsEvent Occurs when PATIENT_PORTAL__GET_FORMS Occurs on every page load of the Patient Portal; It only accepts the `PATIENT_PORTAL__FORM_RESULT` effect as a return value.
### Other EventsEvent Occurs when UNKNOWN Default event type unlikely to ever be emitted. CRON This event fires regularly and can be used for scheduled tasks. See [CronTask](/sdk/handlers-crontask/). CLAIM__CONDITIONS The conditions are loaded within the claim summary. PATIENT_CHART__CONDITIONS The conditions are loaded within the patient summary PATIENT_CHART_SUMMARY__SECTION_CONFIGURATION A patient chart's summary section is loading. PLUGIN_CREATED A plugin is uploaded for the first time. See ProtocolCards and BannerAlerts for examples of how to use this event. PLUGIN_UPDATED A plugin is enabled or when the plugin code has changed. See ProtocolCards and BannerAlerts for examples of how to use this event. PATIENT_PROFILE__ADD_PHARMACY__POST_SEARCH_RESULTS Adding a pharmacy for a patient in their profile. PATIENT_PORTAL__WIDGET_CONFIGURATION Patient Portal landing page is loading. See Tailoring Portal Landing Page for examples of how to use this event.