
Introduction #

The Questionnaire model represents a structured set of questions intended to guide the collection of answers from end-users.

The Interview model represents answers to a structured set of questions represented by a Questionnaire.

Basic usage #

To get a questionnaire or interview by identifier, use the get method on the Questionnaire or Interview model managers:

from import Questionnaire
from import Interview

questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id="b80b1cdc-2e6a-4aca-90cc-ebc02e683f35")
interview = Interview.objects.get(id="75df6d7f-d58d-443b-9fa0-ce43b4d7b2a0")

If you have a patient object, the interviews for a patient can be accessed with the interviews attribute on a Patient object:

from import Patient

patient = Patient.objects.get(id="1eed3ea2a8d546a1b681a2a45de1d790")
interviews = patient.interviews.all()

If you have a patient ID, you can get the interviews for the patient with the for_patient method on the Interview model manager:

from import Interview

patient_id = "1eed3ea2a8d546a1b681a2a45de1d790"
interviews = Interview.objects.for_patient(patient_id)

Questionnaire questions #

The questions for a questionnaire can be accessed with the questions attribute on an Questionnaire object:

from import Questionnaire
from logger import log

questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.get(id="b80b1cdc-2e6a-4aca-90cc-ebc02e683f35")

for question in questionnaire.questions.all():"system: {question.code_system}")"code: {question.code}")"name: {}")

Interview responses #

The interview responses for an interview can be accessed with the interview_responses attribute on an Interview object:

from import Interview
from logger import log

interview = Interview.objects.get(id="75df6d7f-d58d-443b-9fa0-ce43b4d7b2a0")

for interview_response in interview.interview_responses.all():"response option: {interview_response.response_option_value}")

Filtering #

Questionnaires and interviews can be filtered by any attribute that exists on the models.

Filtering for questionnaires and interviews is done with the filter method on the Questionnaire and Interview model managers.

By attribute #

Specify an attribute with filter to filter by that attribute:

from import Questionnaire
from import Interview

questionnaires = Questionnaire.objects.filter(name="Tobacco")
interviews = Interview.objects.filter(progress_status="F")

By ValueSet #

Filtering by ValueSet works a little differently. The find method on the model manager is used to perform ValueSet filtering:

from import Questionnaire
from canvas_sdk.value_set.v2022.assessment import TobaccoUseScreening

questionnaires = Questionnaire.objects.find(TobaccoUseScreening)