Introduction #
The Staff
model represents a staff member in a Canvas instance.
To get a Staff
object by it’s identifier, use the get
from import Staff
staff = Staff.objects.get(id="4150cd20de8a470aa570a852859ac87e")
objects are commonly used in related models, for example the Task
model. To see all of a staff member’s assigned or created tasks, the following code can be used:
from import Staff
staff = Staff.objects.get(id="4150cd20de8a470aa570a852859ac87e")
# <QuerySet [<Task: Task object (3)>]>
# <QuerySet [<Task: Task object (7)>]>
Attributes #
Staff #
Field Name | Type |
id | UUID |
dbid | Integer |
created | DateTime |
modified | DateTime |
created | DateTime |
modified | DateTime |
prefix | String |
suffix | String |
first_name | String |
middle_name | String |
last_name | String |
maiden_name | String |
nickname | String |
previous_names | JSON |
birth_date | Date |
sex_at_birth | PersonSex |
sexual_orientation_term | String |
sexual_orientation_code | String |
gender_identity_term | String |
gender_identity_code | String |
preferred_pronouns | String |
biological_race_codes | Array[String] |
biological_race_terms | Array[String] |
cultural_ethnicity_codes | Array[String] |
cultural_ethnicity_terms | Array[String] |
last_known_timezone | TimeZone |
active | Boolean |
npi_number | String |
nadean_number | String |
group_npi_number | String |
bill_through_organization | Boolean |
tax_id | String |
tax_id_type | TaxIDType |
spi_number | String |
personal_meeting_room_link | URL |
state | JSON |
user | CanvasUser |
supervising_team | Staff[] |
notes | Note[] |
creator_tasks | Task[] |
assignee_tasks | Task[] |
comments | TaskComment[] |
care_team_memberships | CareTeamMembership[] |
teams | Team[] |