
Applications are accessible in the app drawer and launch your content when clicked. Applications can be patient specific, or global.

Implementing an Application #

To add an application, your handler class should inherit from the Application class.

Your class must implement the on_open() method. In most cases, you will return a LaunchModalEffect, with either a url you wish to iframe into the Canvas UI or HTML to be rendered in that iframe directly.

Here is an example of an implemented application class:

from canvas_sdk.effects import Effect
from canvas_sdk.effects.launch_modal import LaunchModalEffect
from canvas_sdk.handlers.application import Application

class IFrameApp(Application):
    def on_open(self) -> Effect:
        return LaunchModalEffect(url=f"",

In addition, your CANVAS_MANIFEST.json file must provide some information about your application. You reference your class in the “applications” section of the components so your application is registered in the app drawer on plugin installation.

This is also where you can define the title and icon that displays your app in the app drawer. The icon will be rendered at 48px by 48px, so should be square and simple enough to not lose detail at that size.

Other information you can define about your application is the scope ("patient_specific" or "global"), which determines if the application is visible only in a patient chart or outside of charts.

For security reasons you also need to specify the list the domains that will be loaded within the iframe, or they will not be rendered. For more info on the format of the origins field, check the Additional Configuration for LaunchModalEffect.

Here’s what your CANVAS_MANIFEST.json might look like:

    "sdk_version": "0.1.4",
    "plugin_version": "0.0.1",
    "name": "my_application",
    "description": "This is a very nice application",
    "origins": {
      "urls": [""]
    "components": {
        "protocols": [],
        "applications": [
                "class": "my_application.apps.iframe:IFrameApp",
                "name": "My Application",
                "description": "Test App for patients",
                "icon" : "/assets/cappuccino.png",
                "scope": "patient_specific"
        "commands": [],
        "content": [],
        "effects": [],
        "views": []
    "secrets": [],
    "tags": {},
    "references": [],
    "license": "",
    "diagram": false,
    "readme": "./"