Form Result

Overview #

Forms are a key part of the Patient Portal experience. They allow developers to dynamically display questionnaires to patients based on various criteria and optionally create a Questionnaire Command within a Note. Since these effects are evaluated on every page load, it’s essential to ensure that only the appropriate forms are shown.

Structure #

A Form Result effect consists of the following properties:

  • questionnaire_id: The unique identifier for the Questionnaire.
  • create_command: A boolean flag that, when set to True, creates a Questionnaire Command within a Note.
  • note_id: Optionally associates the effect with an existing Note.

These properties ensure that the effect integrates seamlessly with the rest of the Canvas SDK.

Attributes #

questionnaire_idstr | UUIDThe unique ID of the Questionnaire.
create_commandboolIf True, a Questionnaire Command is created inside a Note.
note_idstr | UUID | NoneAssociates the response with an existing Note if applicable.