Task Last updated: 13 Jan 2025
Introduction # A Task
represents a to-do item to be addressed. Tasks can be assigned to individual staff members and can also have associated comments and labels.
Basic usage # To get a task by it’s identifier, use the get
method on the Task
model manager:
from canvas_sdk.v1.data.task import Task
task = Task . objects . get ( id = "7895e1db-f8de-4660-a0a3-9e5b43a475c6" )
From a Patient
object, tasks for the patient can be accessed with the tasks
import arrow
from canvas_sdk.v1.data.patient import Patient
from canvas_sdk.v1.data.task import TaskStatus
patient = Patient . objects . get ( id = "36950971cb3e4174ad8b9d365abfd6d0" )
# All tasks for the patient
tasks_for_patient = patient . tasks . all ()
# Tasks for the patient that are overdue
tasks_for_patient_overdue = patient . tasks . filter ( due__lte = arrow . utcnow (). datetime , status = TaskStatus . OPEN )
objects are also able to have associated TaskLabel
from canvas_sdk.v1.data.task import Task
task = Task . objects . get ( id = "7895e1db-f8de-4660-a0a3-9e5b43a475c6" )
[( label . name , label . color ,) for label in task . labels . all ()]
# [('Emergent', 'red')]
members are able to leave comments on tasks. These are stored as associated TaskComment
objects. For example:
from canvas_sdk.v1.data.task import Task
task = Task . objects . get ( id = "7895e1db-f8de-4660-a0a3-9e5b43a475c6" )
[( comment . creator , comment . body ,) for comment in task . comments . all ()]
# [(<Staff: Sam Jones>, "Please call patient.")]
Attributes # Task # TaskComment # Field Name Type id UUID dbid Integer created DateTime modified DateTime creator Staff task Task body String
TaskLabel # Enumeration types # TaskType # Value Label Task Task Reminder Reminder
EventType # Value Label Chart Open Chart Open
TaskStatus # Value Label COMPLETED Completed CLOSED Closed OPEN Open
TaskLabelModule # Value Label claims Claims tasks Tasks
Origin # Value Label REF_CMD Referral command CMP_IMG_ORD Completing image orders IMG_REP_REV Imaging report review LAB_RES_REV Lab results review CON_REP_REV Consult report review UNC_DOC_REP_REV Uncategorized document report review ASN_NOT_PHN_REV Assigned note/phone call for review POP_HLT_OUT Population health outreach CMP_LAB_ORD Completing lab orders CHT_PDF Chart PDF EXP_CLM_SNO Expired claim snoozed FLG_PST_REV Flagged posting review BAT_PTN_STA Batch patient statements INC_COV Incomplete Coverage
ColorEnum # Value Label red Red orange Orange yellow Yellow olive Olive green Green teal Teal blue Blue violet Violet purple Purple pink Pink brown Brown grey Grey black Black