Action Buttons

Action buttons appear in the Canvas UI and execute your provided code when clicked. They can be added to the note header or the note footer.

Implementing an Action Button #

To add an action button, your handler class should inherit from the ActionButton class.

Your class must specify the constants BUTTON_TITLE, BUTTON_KEY, and BUTTON_LOCATION, as well as implement the handle() method. Your class can optionally implement the visible() method, which allows you to make the button conditionally appear.

Setting the Required Constants #

The BUTTON_TITLE constant sets the text that appears on your button in the Canvas UI.

BUTTON_KEY is an identifier for your button used to route click events to your handle() method.

BUTTON_LOCATION determines the placement of your button, and can be one of the following:

  • ActionButton.ButtonLocation.NOTE_HEADER
    • The button will appear in the header of each note.
  • ActionButton.ButtonLocation.NOTE_FOOTER
    • The button will appear in the footer of each note.

Implement the handle() method #

When an action button is clicked, the handle() method is called. You have access to runtime information like self.event, self.context, and self.secrets. Your method must return a list of Effect objects, but that list can be empty of course.

(Optional) Implement the visible() method #

The ActionButton base class implements the visible() as return True, meaning “always visible”. If you want your button to appear conditionally, you can implement the visible() method and return True or False based on your criteria. You have access to runtime information like self.event, self.context, and self.secrets to help make your determination. Your method must return a boolean value.

Examples #

Log When You Click #

This example is concise to serve as an easy to interpret visual of the anatomy of an action button. The button only shows during the month of January, and when clicked it logs some information. This isn’t particularly useful, but it does show you how to control the visibility of the button, and some of the data you have access to in your handle() method.

from canvas_sdk.effects import Effect
from canvas_sdk.handlers.action_button import ActionButton
from datetime import datetime
from logger import log

class MyButton(ActionButton):
    BUTTON_TITLE = "🪵"
    BUTTON_LOCATION = ActionButton.ButtonLocation.NOTE_HEADER

    def visible(self) -> bool:
        # Only show this button in January
        return == 1

    def handle(self) -> list[Effect]:"You clicked the button!!")

        return []

Commit All Commands in a Note #

This example may actually be useful. It adds an action button to the note footer which commits all commands in a note. It shows on every note (default behavior since visible() is not overridden in this class).

import json

from canvas_sdk.effects import Effect
from canvas_sdk.handlers.action_button import ActionButton
from import Command
from canvas_sdk.effects.base import EffectType

# Define a mapping of schema_key to EffectType
schema_key_to_effect_type = {
    "allergy": EffectType.COMMIT_ALLERGY_COMMAND,
    "assess": EffectType.COMMIT_ASSESS_COMMAND,
    "closeGoal": EffectType.COMMIT_CLOSE_GOAL_COMMAND,
    "diagnose": EffectType.COMMIT_DIAGNOSE_COMMAND,
    "familyHistory": EffectType.COMMIT_FAMILY_HISTORY_COMMAND,
    "goal": EffectType.COMMIT_GOAL_COMMAND,
    "instruct": EffectType.COMMIT_INSTRUCT_COMMAND,
    "hpi": EffectType.COMMIT_HPI_COMMAND,
    "medicalHistory": EffectType.COMMIT_MEDICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND,
    "medicationStatement": EffectType.COMMIT_MEDICATION_STATEMENT_COMMAND,
    "perform": EffectType.COMMIT_PERFORM_COMMAND,
    "plan": EffectType.COMMIT_PLAN_COMMAND,
    "questionnaire": EffectType.COMMIT_QUESTIONNAIRE_COMMAND,
    "reasonForVisit": EffectType.COMMIT_REASON_FOR_VISIT_COMMAND,
    "removeAllergy": EffectType.COMMIT_REMOVE_ALLERGY_COMMAND,
    "stopMedication": EffectType.COMMIT_STOP_MEDICATION_COMMAND,
    "surgicalHistory": EffectType.COMMIT_SURGICAL_HISTORY_COMMAND,
    "task": EffectType.COMMIT_TASK_COMMAND,
    "updateDiagnosis": EffectType.COMMIT_UPDATE_DIAGNOSIS_COMMAND,
    "updateGoal": EffectType.COMMIT_UPDATE_GOAL_COMMAND,
    "vitals": EffectType.COMMIT_VITALS_COMMAND,

class CommitButtonHandler(ActionButton):
    BUTTON_TITLE = "Commit all commands"
    BUTTON_LOCATION = ActionButton.ButtonLocation.NOTE_FOOTER

    def handle(self) -> list[Effect]:
        note_id = self.context.get("note_id")

        effects = []
        for command in Command.objects.filter(note_id=note_id):
            effect_type = schema_key_to_effect_type.get(command.schema_key)
            if not effect_type:
                raise ValueError(f"No EffectType defined for schema key '{command.schema_key}'.")

                    payload=json.dumps({"command_uuid": str(}),

        return effects