
This API allows customers to create letters. The effect of creating a letter is the same as creating a letter in the user interface. Content can be added using HTML & CSS. Placeholders created in Canvas will not be respected.

Authentication #

The Letter API uses the existing Canvas OAuth authentication flow, so you can simply post to the existing auth token endpoint /auth/token/

This endpoint was built as an addition to the Note API and uses the user/Note.write scope. This scope will not be in OAuth applications that were created prior to the release of the Note API. To get access:

  • Create a new OAuth application
  • Ask Canvas to add the new scopes to an existing OAuth application


import requests

url = "https://<your-instance>.canvasmedical.com/auth/token/"

payload = 'grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=canvas&client_secret=canvas'
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Then use your token in the request headers as you do with the FHIR API:


Create #

To create a Note resource, POST to https://<your-instance>.canvasmedical.com/core/api/letter/v1/Letter using the supported attributes below. Letters will be staged on the patient’s chart to then be faxed or printed. Furhter edits can be made in the UI as needed.

Attributes #

patientKey (req) text
The unique key of the Patient for which this letter is written.

providerKey (req) text
The unique key of the Provider staff who is responsible for the letter.

practiceLocationKey (req) text
The unique key of the PracticeLocation for which this letter is written.

The contents of the letter. Supports HTML & CSS. Placeholders created in Canvas will NOT be respected.

Example #

import requests
import json

url = "https://<your-instance>.canvasmedical.com/core/api/letter/v1/Letter"

payload = json.dumps({
  "patientKey": "8d84776879de49518a4bc3bb81d96dd4",
  "providerKey": "5eede137ecfe4124b8b773040e33be14",
  "practiceLocationKey": "c67e0c59-d4d2-428c-bc13-b6e85d181ad0",
  "content": "<p>To Whom It May Concern,</p><p>Letty Letters is a patient of mine at PRACTICE NAME. Due to a current medical condition, the patient is unable to fulfill the requirements for jury duty.</p><p>Thanks,</p></div><div class=\"signature\"><img src=\"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/Zhu_Zhengting_signature.jpg/1280px-Zhu_Zhengting_signature.jpg\" alt=\"Signature\" width=\"200\"></div></div></html>"
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer HqFtbSnBNX4S65VhRrg8sRxO6XcSFp',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
