Financial instrument which may be used to reimburse or pay for health care products and services. Includes both insurance and self-payment.
Coverage create
The FHIR Resource name.
The status of the Coverage.
In Canvas, the status of active
means it appears in the Patient’s Profile page either under the main or other coverage sections, while a status of cancelled
means it was removed and no longer appears on the page. An expired coverage will still show as active
, so be sure to set/read the period.end
Currently there is no way to create a coverage that appears under the “Other Coverages” section on the Patient Profile. All coverages created with active
will appear as the primary, secondary, tertiary, etc coverage depending on the order number. Coverages created with a cancelled
status will not appear on the UI, but can still be read out.
Type of coverage, such as medical, workers compensation, self pay, etc.
In order for this value to display on the Canvas UI, the coverage type needs to be configured for the specific payor via our insurer settings. To get to these settings, see this Zendesk article.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the coverage type.
The display name of the coding.
Who was signed up for or ‘owns’ the Coverage.
The reference string of the patient subscriber in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The insurer-assigned ID for the subscriber.
Who benefits from the coverage; the patient when products or services are provided.
The reference string of the patient beneficiary in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The relationship of beneficiary (patient) to the subscriber.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the relationship.
The display name of the coding.
If the start date is missing for a create/update interaction, it will be set to the current date of ingestion.
Starting time with inclusive boundary
End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing.
Issuer of the policy.
Two methods for specifying this data are supported:
- sending an Organization reference in
"payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ],
- sending a
corresponding to the Coverage’s payor id. For now, these values can only be found and updated in the Insurers Admin view in Canvas."payor": [ { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "13162" }, "display": "1199 National Benefit Fund" } ],
is required in a Create/Update.
The Organization reference to the Coverage’s payor in the format “Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728”
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Organization”).
The display name of the payor.
Logical reference, when literal reference is not known.
The value that is unique. These values can only be found and updated in the Insurers Admin view in Canvas.
The namespace for the identifier value.
Additional coverage classifications.
Only plan and group will be visible in the Canvas UI.
Type of class such as ‘group’ or ‘plan’.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the class.
Value associated with the type.
The order in which coverages should be used when adjudicating claims.
The order must between 1 and 5, inclusive.
If multiple coverages for a patient are created with the same order number, the older one will be bumped down in rank, and the new one will take that rank.
If this leads to multiple coverages being incremented to 5, the oldest (first to be inputted into Canvas) of the coverages at this rank will be displayed on the Canvas UI.
curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "resourceType": "Coverage", "order": 1, "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b34" }, "subscriberId": "1234", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b3" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self" } ] }, "period": { "start": "2021-06-27", "end": "2023-06-27" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ] } '
import requests url = "" payload = { "resourceType": "Coverage", "order": 1, "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b34" }, "subscriberId": "1234", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b3" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self" } ] }, "period": { "start": "2021-06-27", "end": "2023-06-27" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ] } headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <token>", "content-type": "application/json" } response =, json=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text)
Canvas returns the created resource's id as a UUID within the
header and a null
response body.Errors
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "invalid", "details": { "text": "Bad request" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "unknown", "details": { "text": "Authentication failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "details": { "text": "Authorization failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-supported", "details": { "text": "Operation is not supported" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "business-rule", "details": { "text": "Unprocessable entity" } } ] }
Coverage read
Path Parameters
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json'
import requests url = "<id>" headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <token>" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print(response.text)
Response Payload Attributes
The FHIR Resource name.
The identifier of the Coverage.
The status of the Coverage.
In Canvas, the status of active
means it appears in the Patient’s Profile page either under the main or other coverage sections, while a status of cancelled
means it was removed and no longer appears on the page. An expired coverage will still show as active
, so be sure to set/read the period.end
Type of coverage, such as medical, workers compensation, self pay, etc.
In order for this value to display on the Canvas UI, the coverage type needs to be configured for the specific payor via our insurer settings. To get to these settings, see this Zendesk article.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the coverage type.
The display name of the coding.
The 2 character code that represents the patient relationship to the insured as defined by CMS.
Who was signed up for or ‘owns’ the Coverage.
The reference string of the patient subscriber in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The insurer-assigned ID for the subscriber.
Who benefits from the coverage; the patient when products or services are provided.
The reference string of the patient beneficiary in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The relationship of beneficiary (patient) to the subscriber.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the relationship.
The display name of the coding.
The 2 character code that represents the patient relationship to the insured as defined by CMS.
The period during which the Coverage is in force.
A missing end date means the coverage continues to be in force.
Starting time with inclusive boundary
End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing.
Issuer of the policy.
The Organization reference to the Coverage’s payor in the format “Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728”
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Organization”).
The display name of the payor.
Additional coverage classifications.
Only plan and group will be visible in the Canvas UI.
Type of class such as ‘group’ or ‘plan’.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the class.
Value associated with the type.
The order in which coverages should be used when adjudicating claims.
{ "resourceType": "Coverage", "id": "a7c6af04-a22f-47bf-9cc8-d41158b2ad62", "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "Military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "subscriberId": "12345", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self", "display": "Self" } ], "text": "18" }, "period": { "start": "2023-09-19" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/c152eeb7-f204-4e28-acb5-c7e85390b17e", "type": "Organization", "display": " Custody Medical Services Program" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ], "order": 1 }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "unknown", "details": { "text": "Authentication failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "details": { "text": "Authorization failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-found", "details": { "text": "Unknown Coverage resource 'c152eeb7-f204-4e28-acb5-c7e85390b17e'" } } ] }
Coverage update
The FHIR Resource name.
The identifier of the Coverage.
The status of the Coverage.
In Canvas, the status of active
means it appears in the Patient’s Profile page either under the main or other coverage sections, while a status of cancelled
means it was removed and no longer appears on the page. An expired coverage will still show as active
, so be sure to set/read the period.end
If a coverage in the Canvas UI is in the “Other coverages” section, on an update if the status stays active
, it will remain in the “Other coverages” section.
Type of coverage, such as medical, workers compensation, self pay, etc.
In order for this value to display on the Canvas UI, the coverage type needs to be configured for the specific payor via our insurer settings. To get to these settings, see this Zendesk article.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the coverage type.
The display name of the coding.
Who was signed up for or ‘owns’ the Coverage.
The reference string of the patient subscriber in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The insurer-assigned ID for the subscriber.
Who benefits from the coverage; the patient when products or services are provided.
The reference string of the patient beneficiary in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The relationship of beneficiary (patient) to the subscriber.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the relationship.
The display name of the coding.
If the start date is missing for a create/update interaction, it will be set to the current date of ingestion.
Starting time with inclusive boundary
End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing.
Issuer of the policy.
Two methods for specifying this data are supported:
- sending an Organization reference in
"payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ],
- sending a
corresponding to the Coverage’s payor id. For now, these values can only be found and updated in the Insurers Admin view in Canvas."payor": [ { "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "13162" }, "display": "1199 National Benefit Fund" } ],
is required in a Create/Update.
The Organization reference to the Coverage’s payor in the format “Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728”
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Organization”).
The display name of the payor.
Logical reference, when literal reference is not known.
The value that is unique. These values can only be found and updated in the Insurers Admin view in Canvas.
The namespace for the identifier value.
Additional coverage classifications.
Only plan and group will be visible in the Canvas UI.
Type of class such as ‘group’ or ‘plan’.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the class.
Value associated with the type.
The order in which coverages should be used when adjudicating claims.
The order must between 1 and 5, inclusive.
If multiple coverages for a patient are created with the same order number, the older one will be bumped down in rank, and the new one will take that rank.
If this leads to multiple coverages being incremented to 5, the oldest (first to be inputted into Canvas) of the coverages at this rank will be displayed on the Canvas UI.
curl --request PUT \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "resourceType": "Coverage", "order": 1, "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b34" }, "subscriberId": "1234", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b3" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self" } ] }, "period": { "start": "2021-06-27", "end": "2023-06-27" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ] } '
import requests url = "<id>" payload = { "resourceType": "Coverage", "order": 1, "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b34" }, "subscriberId": "1234", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b3" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self" } ] }, "period": { "start": "2021-06-27", "end": "2023-06-27" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ] } headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <token>", "content-type": "application/json" } response = requests.put(url, json=payload, headers=headers) print(response.text)
Canvas returns a
response body.Errors
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "invalid", "details": { "text": "Bad request" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "unknown", "details": { "text": "Authentication failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "details": { "text": "Authorization failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-found", "details": { "text": "Unknown Coverage resource 'a47c7b0e-bbb4-42cd-bc4a-df259d148ea1'" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-supported", "details": { "text": "Operation is not supported" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "conflict", "details": { "text": "Resource updated since If-Unmodified-Since date" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "business-rule", "details": { "text": "Unprocessable entity" } } ] }
Coverage search
Query Parameters
The Canvas resource identifier of the Coverage.
Retrieve coverages for a patient in the format Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787
Retrieve all coverages with a specific subscriberID
Retrieve coverages by a specific status.
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json'
import requests url = "" headers = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer <token>" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) print(response.text)
Response Payload Attributes
The FHIR Resource name.
This element and value designate that the bundle is a search response. Search result bundles will always have the Bundle.type of searchset .
The number of resources that match the search parameter.
Attributes relevant to pagination, see our Pagination page for more detail.
The relation of the page search
The search url for the specific relation
The results bundle that lists out each object returned in the search
The attributes specific to the resource type, see the Attributes section below
The FHIR Resource name.
The identifier of the Coverage.
The status of the Coverage.
In Canvas, the status of active
means it appears in the Patient’s Profile page either under the main or other coverage sections, while a status of cancelled
means it was removed and no longer appears on the page. An expired coverage will still show as active
, so be sure to set/read the period.end
Type of coverage, such as medical, workers compensation, self pay, etc.
In order for this value to display on the Canvas UI, the coverage type needs to be configured for the specific payor via our insurer settings. To get to these settings, see this Zendesk article.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the coverage type.
The display name of the coding.
The 2 character code that represents the patient relationship to the insured as defined by CMS.
Who was signed up for or ‘owns’ the Coverage.
The reference string of the patient subscriber in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The insurer-assigned ID for the subscriber.
Who benefits from the coverage; the patient when products or services are provided.
The reference string of the patient beneficiary in the format of "Patient/a39cafb9d1b445be95a2e2548e12a787"
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Patient”).
The relationship of beneficiary (patient) to the subscriber.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the relationship.
The display name of the coding.
The 2 character code that represents the patient relationship to the insured as defined by CMS.
The period during which the Coverage is in force.
A missing end date means the coverage continues to be in force.
Starting time with inclusive boundary
End time with inclusive boundary, if not ongoing.
Issuer of the policy.
The Organization reference to the Coverage’s payor in the format “Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728”
Type the reference refers to (e.g. “Organization”).
The display name of the payor.
Additional coverage classifications.
Only plan and group will be visible in the Canvas UI.
Type of class such as ‘group’ or ‘plan’.
Code defined by a terminology system.
The system url of the coding.
The code of the class.
Value associated with the type.
The order in which coverages should be used when adjudicating claims.
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "searchset", "total": 2, "link": [ { "relation": "self", "url": "/Coverage?subscriberid=12345&patient=Patient%2Fb3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd" }, { "relation": "first", "url": "/Coverage?subscriberid=12345&patient=Patient%2Fb3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd" }, { "relation": "last", "url": "/Coverage?subscriberid=12345&patient=Patient%2Fb3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd" } ], "entry": [ { "resource": { "resourceType": "Coverage", "id": "171a7243-f568-48cb-8052-3f2990dac1cd", "status": "cancelled", "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "subscriberId": "11111", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self", "display": "Self" } ], "text": "18" }, "period": { "start": "2022-01-01" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/9b6709aa-a84e-4070-9a83-7c14dc31a511", "type": "Organization", "display": "AL BCBS" } ], "order": 2 } }, { "resource": { "resourceType": "Coverage", "id": "27f42512-23e6-4c17-8569-80e14792b6f8", "status": "cancelled", "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "subscriberId": "A1", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/b3084f7e884e4af2b7e23b1dca494abd", "type": "Patient" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self", "display": "Self" } ], "text": "18" }, "period": { "start": "2022-05-31" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/02211bf5-9ee1-47d1-a1bc-e06bd848e5f3", "type": "Organization", "display": "Kevin Carey Insurance, Inc." } ], "order": 1 } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "invalid", "details": { "text": "Bad request" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "unknown", "details": { "text": "Authentication failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "details": { "text": "Authorization failed" } } ] }
curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'content-type: application/json' \ --data ' { "resourceType": "Coverage", "order": 1, "status": "active", "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "MILITARY", "display": "military health program" } ] }, "subscriber": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b34" }, "subscriberId": "1234", "beneficiary": { "reference": "Patient/febae9dcb7cf4d88ba27cc552a3f96b3" }, "relationship": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "self" } ] }, "period": { "start": "2021-06-27", "end": "2023-06-27" }, "payor": [ { "reference": "Organization/6741b035-2846-45b3-b7a3-251f7b7fc728", "type": "Organization", "display": "Medicare Advantage" } ], "class": [ { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "plan" } ] }, "value": "Starfleet HMO" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subplan" } ] }, "value": "Stars" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "group" } ] }, "value": "Captains Only" }, { "type": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "subgroup" } ] }, "value": "Subgroup 2" } ] } '
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{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "not-found", "details": { "text": "Unknown Coverage resource 'c152eeb7-f204-4e28-acb5-c7e85390b17e'" } } ] }
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{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "business-rule", "details": { "text": "Unprocessable entity" } } ] }
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{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "invalid", "details": { "text": "Bad request" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "unknown", "details": { "text": "Authentication failed" } } ] }
{ "resourceType": "OperationOutcome", "issue": [ { "severity": "error", "code": "forbidden", "details": { "text": "Authorization failed" } } ] }