Introduction #
The Patient
model represents an individual receiving care or other health-related services.
Basic usage #
To get a patient by identifier, use the get
method on the Patient
model manager:
from import Patient
patient = Patient.objects.get(id="b80b1cdc2e6a4aca90ccebc02e683f35")
Filtering #
Patients can be filtered by any attribute that exists on the model.
Filtering for patients is done with the filter
method on the Patient
model manager.
By attribute #
Specify attributes with filter
to filter by those attributes:
from import Patient
patients = Patient.objects.filter(first_name="Bob", last_name="Loblaw", birth_date="1960-09-22")
Attributes #
Patient #
Field Name | Type |
id | String |
dbid | Integer |
first_name | String |
last_name | String |
birth_date | Date |
sex_at_birth | SexAtBirth |
created | DateTime |
modified | DateTime |
prefix | String |
suffix | String |
middle_name | String |
maiden_name | String |
nickname | String |
sexual_orientation_term | String |
sexual_orientation_code | String |
gender_identity_term | String |
gender_identity_code | String |
preferred_pronouns | String |
biological_race_codes | Array[String] |
last_known_timezone | String |
mrn | String |
active | Boolean |
deceased | Boolean |
deceased_datetime | DateTime |
deceased_cause | String |
deceased_comment | String |
other_gender_description | String |
social_security_number | String |
administrative_note | String |
clinical_note | String |
mothers_maiden_name | String |
multiple_birth_indicator | Boolean |
birth_order | Integer |
default_location_id | Integer |
default_provider_id | Integer |
allergy_intolerances | AllergyIntolerance[] |
billing_line_items | BillingLineItem[] |
care_team_memberships | CareTeamMembership[] |
conditions | Condition[] |
coverages | Coverage[] |
dependent_coverages | Coverage[] |
detected_issues | DetectedIssue[] |
devices | Device[] |
imaging_orders | ImagingOrder[] |
imaging_reports | ImagingReport[] |
imaging_reviews | ImagingReview[] |
interviews | Interview[] |
lab_orders | LabOrder[] |
lab_reports | LabReport[] |
lab_reviews | LabReview[] |
medications | Medication[] |
observations | Observation[] |
external_identifiers | PatientExternalIdentifier[] |
preferred_pharmacy | JSON |
protocol_overrides | ProtocolOverride[] |
settings | PatientSetting |
subscribed_coverages | Coverage[] |
tasks | Task[] |
telecom | PatientContactPoint[] |
PatientAddress #
Field Name | Type |
id | UUID |
dbid | Integer |
line1 | String |
line2 | String |
city | String |
district | String |
state_code | String |
postal_code | String |
use | AddressUse |
type | AddressType |
longitude | Float |
latitude | Float |
start | Date |
end | Date |
country | String |
state | String |
patient | Patient |
PatientContactPoint #
Field Name | Type |
id | UUID |
dbid | Integer |
system | ContactPointSystem |
value | String |
use | String |
use_notes | String |
rank | Integer |
state | ContactPointState |
patient | Patient |
has_consent | Boolean |
last_verified | DateTime |
verification_token | String |
opted_out | Boolean |
PatientExternalIdentifier #
Field Name | Type |
id | UUID |
dbid | Integer |
created | DateTime |
modified | DateTime |
patient | Patient |
use | String |
identifier_type | String |
system | String |
value | String |
issued_date | Date |
expiration_date | Date |
PatientSetting #
Field Name | Type |
dbid | Integer |
created | DateTime |
modified | DateTime |
patient | Patient |
name | String |
value | JSON |
Enumeration types #
SexAtBirth #
Value | Label |
F | female |
M | male |
O | other |
UNK | unknown |
”” (empty string) | ”” |