Making FHIR Requests

Inside of a Canvas protocol, we allow the ability to make a FHIR request for any of our FHIR endpoints that are documented in the Getting Started With the Canvas FHIR API.

FHIRHelper and FumageHelper #

The best way to send FHIR API requests within a protocol is to use FHIRHelper or FumageHelper - helper classes that can do the work for you, including requesting a bearer token and sending create / search / read / update requests.

One-time set up #

In order to use the FHIRHelper or FumageHelper class, you will need to do some initial setup within your SDK Settings/Secret Store.

Navigate to the ProtocolSettings admin page:


Create these three protocol settings, if they don’t already exist (note: the keys must be spelled and capitalized exactly as below):


If you need help finding the values for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, refer to the authentication documentation.

Import and instantiate the helper class #

To get started in your protocol, import the appropriate helper class.

  • If you send requests to FHIR: from canvas_workflow_kit.fhir import FHIRHelper
  • If you send requests to Fumage: from canvas_workflow_kit.fhir import FumageHelper

Next, you will instantiate the class within the compute_results method and pass in the protocol settings as an argument.

fhir = FHIRHelper(self.settings)

Request a bearer token #

If you wish to request a token and keep track of it yourself, you can do so with:

token = fhir.get_fhir_api_token()

This step is not necessary though if you plan to do all your requests using the helper class. (This method will get called automatically within the class before doing any requests).

Create #

Description: Given a resource_type (str) and FHIR resource payload (dict), creates a FHIR resource and returns the response.


resource_typestringtrueThe type of resource you wish to create. All possible resource types can be found in the FHIR API Reference documentation.
payloaddicttrueThe body of the resource you wish to create.


  fhir = FHIRHelper(self.settings)
  payload = {
    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "extension": [
        "url": "",
        "valueCode": "M",
    "active": True,
    "name": [{"use": "official", "family": "Bean", "given": ["Jelly"]}],
    "birthDate": "2000-11-13",
  response = fhir.create("Patient", payload)
  if response.status_code == 201:
    response_json = response.json()

Search #

Description: Given a resource_type (str) and search_params (dict), searches and returns a response with bundle of FHIR resources.


resource_typestringtrueThe type of resource you wish to search. All possible resource types can be found in the FHIR API Reference documentation.
search_paramsdictfalseThe search params you wish to use. If none, will return a Bundle of all resources for the given resource_type.


  fhir = FHIRHelper(self.settings)
  response ="Patient", {"name": "Jelly", "birthdate": "2000-11-13"})
  if response.status_code == 200:
  	response_json = response.json()

Update #

Description: Given a resource_type (str), resource_id (str), and FHIR resource payload (dict), updates a FHIR resource and returns the response.


resource_typestringtrueThe type of resource you wish to update. All possible resource types can be found in the FHIR API Reference documentation.
resource_idstringtrueThe id of the resource you are updating.
payloaddicttrueThe body of the resource you are updating.


  fhir = FHIRHelper(self.settings)
  payload = {
    "resourceType": "Patient",
    "id": "4d9eef48972e42adbde3adec68e5182d",
    "extension": [
        "url": "",
        "valueCode": "M",
    "active": False,
    "name": [{"use": "official", "family": "Bean", "given": ["Butter"]}],
    "birthDate": "2001-12-14",
  response = fhir.update("Patient", "4d9eef48972e42adbde3adec68e5182d", payload)
  if response.status_code == 200:
    response_json = response.json()

Read #

Description: Given a resource_type (str) and resource_id (str), returns a response with the requested FHIR resource.


resource_typestringtrueThe type of resource you wish to read. All possible resource types can be found in the FHIR API Reference documentation.
resource_idstringtrueThe id of the resource you are reading.


  fhir = FHIRHelper(self.settings)
  response ="Patient", "4d9eef48972e42adbde3adec68e5182d")
  if response.status_code == 200:
    response_json = response.json()